Martial Art Area
Large Tatami matted area
​Top of the range Venum fight gear.
Gloves / Kick pads / focus pads / belly and low kick shields.
8 Venum punch / kick bags on a large Tatami matted area.​
Small Tatami matted area
​Medium size MMA Cage
Gloves / Kick pads / focus pads / belly and low kick shields.
2 Venum Punch balls / 1 Punch bag and 1 BIG BOY punch bag
6M x 6M boxing ring
Outside area​
4 Venum punch bags
Speed ball, x2Wall Mounted punch box
x 1 BIG BOY punch bag
Functional Fitness Area
​x 2 Rogue Assault bike pros
x2 Concept 2 Rowers
X2 Concept 2 Ski Ergs
x2 Bench weight rack stations
Kettle bells
Power bags
Wall Balls / wall ball targets
Medicine balls
Slam balls
Bulgarian bags
Sledge push
Barbell and Plates
Peg Board
Cimbing Wall
Rope Climb
​x 2 Tyres
Weighted hammers
Pull ups bars
Stretching bands
Recovery bands
Recovery rollers
Pilates Equipment
Skipping ropes
Battle ropes
Jump Boxes